  1. The Patience

The Patience is my absolute favorite song in this EP. It took me 3 years to complete. The mixture of the instruments was really important and I wanted to experiment with instruments that are not typically used at the forefront of composition. Violas, tubas, flutes, and a nice funky guitar (there are definitely more) do not usually capitalize together on a track and to have them blend in so beautifully was truly the peak for me. Everything is layered accordingly and every instrument played an important role. The song almost has this 80's-90's sound to it with the initial drums that was a last minute addition but ended up working really well with it. It took me 3 years to complete because the idea was too great for my initial knowledge. I had to catch up to the idea. I had to develop myself to fully unravel and understand the gravity of this song. Because of that, having succeeded the final product made it that much more important for me.

Moods: Delicate, Euphoric, Feel-good, Innovative, Funky, Elegant, Carefree, Refreshing.